March 12, 2025

Biological Parent Revocation Period

It seems that most people interested in adoption know something about a time period wherein the biological parent(s) may “change their mind.”  This is called the revocation period, the window of time in which a biological parent consenting to the adoption and voluntarily terminating their own parental rights may revoke that consent.

Under Arkansas law, it has long been a period of 10 days.  However, there is now an option under the law.  The biological parents can waive the 10 day revocation period and select a shorter 5 day period only.

So, for purposes of an adoption under Arkansas law, the time period will begin either (1) at the time the consent was signed, (2) or at the time of the birth of the child – whichever is later.  If your biological parent signs when the mother is only 6 or 7 months pregnant, the revocation period will begin at birth.  If the baby is already a few weeks, months, or years old, then the revocation period begins at the time of the signing.

This has been a tremendous help for out of state couples adopting in Arkansas.  A final hearing cannot be had on the matter until the revocation period has expired.  This often has forced our adopting couples to remain in the State of Arkansas for at least 11 days, but usually longer.  Now it is possible that a 6 day stay is all that is required.

Please call or write if you have any questions about your adoption or adoptions in general.

Thank you.

Pray for a positive result: Adoption Hearing!

Say a pray for a legal hearing happening in Kansas this morning.  The results affect a local Arkansas couple and our efforts to adopt a baby boy from Kansas.  A complex series of events has put us in a tight spot, but we know all things work together for good.

Thank you,

Shane A. Henry

Your Arkansas Adoption Center for 2012!

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Just Another Arkansas Adoption?

Just Another Arkansas Adoption?

November 14, 2011  By Shane A. Henry

Today is just another typical day in the courts of Arkansas. However, it is a very special day for at least one family in particular who will become a forever family today upon the successful completion of their adoption hearing.

If you would like more information or help with an adoption please contact us today.

Filed Under: Arkansas Adoptions

Best Arkansas Adoption Price

A Little Rock couple signed up with an adoption agency in Arkansas to pursue a domestic adoption.  They paid a $4,500 deposit, paid for a $2,000 homestudy, and paid a few fees along the way.

After waiting and hoping through that system for over a year with no success, the couple found, through mutual friends, a child available through private adoption.  The couple contacted Shane Henry & Associates to handle all the work on their private Arkansas adoption.  Less than $2,800 for all fees, and less than two weeks later, the adoption was entirely completed.

When you need an Arkansas adoption attorney to assist you with birthparents, filing, homestudies, hearings, and tying up the final loose ends, please do not hesitate to call Shane Henry & Associates.

Arkansas Adoption Overview

There are several key steps to any adoption in Arkansas, regardless of the type of adoption (step-parent adoption, agency adoption, or private adoption).

1. Petition.

This is the document filed with the court having jurisdiction that initiates the legal action.  Under Arkansas adoption law, the petition must be signed for verification by the petitioners and those signatures must be notarized.

2. Homestudy.

If required, under Arkansas adoption law, the homestudy must be completed prior to placement of the child in the adoptive home.  However, often times the child has been placed with the adopting family for months or years, or is irrelevant as in a stepparent adoption.

In Arkansas, the homestudy will include acquisition of a criminal history and child maltreatment check with the appropriate state agencies.

3. Statement of Expenses.

If required, a statement of all expenses related to the adoption must be reported to the court.  Under Arkansas adoption law, any funds contributed to or paid on behalf of the birthparents must also be reported.  This document must be verified and notarized.

4. Putative Father Registry Clearance.

If required, the Putative Father Registry must be checked and a clear record confirmed with the court.  This is the case under Arkansas law when the biological father in unknown (i.e.: no man married to the mother on the day of birth; no man signing the birth certificate as father of the child; and no man co-habitating with the mother and holding himself out as the father near the time of the birth).

5. Decree of Adoption.

This is it, the key document you are waiting to have signed by the judge.  Every adoption proceeding in Arkansas requires at least a short hearing.  At that time, if the requirements have all been satisfied we will present your adoption decree to the judge for signature.

6. New Birth Certificate.

We will prepare and submit a Report of Adoption with supporting documents to the Arkansas Department of Vital Records.  This will result in a new birth certificate showing petitioners as the only true and legal parents of the adopted child.

I am single, can I still adopt in Arkansas?

This a very good question, and unfortunately a question we get too often.  It is unfortunate because it has long been possible for a single adult to adopt another person.  It is good public policy.  Somehow the misconception has been planted out in the world that says you must be married.  This is not the case at all.  In fact, one of the fastest growing segments of the adopting world are single grandparents adopting their grandchildren.

Amendment One was recently found unconstitutional by the Arkansas Supreme Court.  That law did require an adopting couple to be legally married.  However, it at no point jeopardized the ability of a single person to adopt.

If you have any questions about adopting please call or write for free information.

Shane A. Henry

The HomeStudy – who must have one?

Many couples looking to adopt quickly realize there are several different expense categories, and they also learn that a homestudy may be necessary in order to legally complete the adoption pursuant to Arkansas adoption law.

If you are related within 2 degrees of blood then the court can waive the homestudy requirement.  Parents, sibling, and children are all within 1 level or degree of blood under Arkansas adoption law.  The next level includes grandparents, grandchildren, and nieces and nephews.   If you person you are seeking to adopt is not within any of those categories in relation to you, then you must have a homestudy.

Homestudies are expensive.  The typical range is $1,000.00 – $2,000.00.  However, if the cost of the homestudy is detrimental to your ability to pursue an adoption, or if you need flexible payment options, our Arkansas adoption network gives us access to many qualified licensed social workers who are pleased to accommodate you in that area.

The homestudy will include background and child maltreatment checks on the petitioners (those persons seeking to adopt), at least 1 visit to your home, and a general analysis of who you are individually that includes social habits, childhood, work, and relationship details.  The homestudy is a very confidential document and it will be sealed up with the rest of the adoption case.  Most likely, your attorney and the Judge on the case are the only people in the world who will actually see the report.

Shane A. Henry